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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Spore the Next Level: Rebirth, S1E14 Released!

You know how they say in show business that you should never work with children or animals because they're too unpredictable? I bring this up because testing this adventure made me come up with a variant on that phrase: "never work with vehicles". To find out why, you'll have to play this shocking, plot twist-filled episode!

The Garadraeds begin their invasion of Zhenauri, but as you can see
they aren't going after the Kleekoonians...

Irzatta looks in awe at the slightly small (for her) buildings.

A Zoolohonian, Kleekoonian, and Zuntha all walk in the newer part of town.

BONUS: This game is glitchy as heck, and I unironically love it.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Spore the Next Level: Rebirth, S1E13 Released!

 Since I've already wrapped up the major plot threads on Zhenauri that were left unfinished when I put the series on hiatus, it's time we get back to Dredd, which I still think is one of, if not the best setting that I've created in an adventure. Anyways, last time Zonn Tei got captured, so in this episode we get him back. Unfortunately for Jercy, it may not be all that straightforward...

Guess which Garadraed is the Glorious Leader. I dare you to.

Some tiny Roizelle scientists investigate the unknown object
that landed on Epindol a few episodes prior. 

A view of the Garadraed's intimidating navy, ready to attack the Kleekoonians.

Jercy in the midst of the Garadraed city, looking at the Orwellian
propaganda with his own eyes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Spore the Next Level: Rebirth, S1E12 Released!

I'm not writing too much of an introductory blurb for this post. I'm emotionally exhausted after being verbally assaulted by fungus3 and dealing with his flamewar bullcrap, which incidentally is a symptom of being a toxic person along with portraying oneself as the victim. Anyways, pictures!

Yeah, you can probably guess what happens in this adventure.
I also had them crucify his sons, just so the royal bloodline
goes completely extinct like my respect for fungus3.

The Yakomo masses cheer at the demise of their hated king.
I was going to have them be in a crowd, but they decided to disobey me and scatter.
Truly members of an uprising.

The flag of the Yakomo Revolution. I know it looks like the
flag of Mexico, but shush. That place got blown up alongside the 
rest of Earth in the new canon.

Want to make your adventure stand out like this? Just press
Control + Shift + C, then type in "adventureLook -norainbows" sans quotes.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Spore the Next Level: Rebirth, S1E11 Released!


So in case you missed it, fungus3's barely-functional brain thought it would be a good idea to "reboot" STNL:R without me asking and incorporating elements from his equally dumb interactive series, This is War Redeclared. His attempt was so awful that I have officially brought the series out of hiatus to retcon this mistake out of the rebooted canon.

OK, to be honest I always wanted to resume production on the series after Revitalization started, since I remembered how they work and got to enjoy making new episodes like a kid again. As we all know, I have a bad track record of making two series at once, usually ditching new ones in favor of continuing STNL. This time, my goal is to work on STNL:R episodes while waiting for votes to come in for Revitalization. Anyways, we're continuing right on from Episode 10 (completely ignoring what happened in TIW:RD, of course), and returning to the Kleekoonian homeland of Zhenauri, where news of what's happened on Dredd has reached the masses...

The original placeholder thumbnail for the episode, taken way back in June 2018.
Yes, I've let this ferment on my hard drive for that long.

And here's the actual thumbnail you'll see. I know it looks like that of the
infamous TIW:RD episode, but shush.

The Yakomos finally get to reenact the French Revolution!

Ya know how Nero allegedly played the fiddle while Rome burned?
This is Omalie dancing as Kelamar descends into chaos.

An Epic Nepox got its foot stuck on one of the pickup trucks and went
for a ride. Such majestic but glitchy beasts.