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Monday, June 22, 2015

Eme12 Forced This Upon Me, Part 1: The Siranians

Welcome to a new series called Eme12 Forced This Upon Me! In this series, I'll select a species from the Spore Revolution universe and share fun facts and unused concepts about them! This part focuses on the Siranian Empire.

A typical Siranian Female.


  • The Siranians are based upon the Sirens from Greek mythology, and this is reflected in their basic appearance. Since Sirens are depicted either as bird with female heads or mermaids with seductive songs, I blended the two (wings and claws from the former and a mermaid-like tailfin from the latter).
  • According to some lore in the SR-verse, the Siranians visited Earth millennia ago and had a hand in developing the concept of both mermaids and sirens (not sure where the bird thing came from; maybe another race?)
    • Also, eme12 has mentioned he thinks of them moving "slithering somehow like those naga things". Seeing as how they look similar, could the Siranians have inspired these mythological beings too?
  • Siranian ships have a common design lineage, with a rounded body and cockpit with two Star Trek-esque nacelles for propulsion. 
    • One type of ship, the Harmonizer, broadcasts Siranian singing to any ships in range.
  • Speaking of singing, the precise purpose of their singing is unknown, but is believed to be a form of mating call.
  • Almost all main Siranian characters (the maligned Vordav sisters and Empress Mermaya Sireena) are female; with males being underrepresented with just one major male Siranian character at the moment of writing.
    • One reason for this could be due to Siranian culture, which is a matriarchy where males have presumably little rights and rarely leave their territory.
  • Siranians are the most human-like species in the SR universe. There is currently no explanation.


  • At some point, the Siranians would have been revealed to have constructed a colony on Earth that fell under the sea and giving rise to the legend of Atlantis. This still may be picked up though.
  • The Suckulant species by fungus3 was originally not to be native to Siran Minor in another example of his wanton continuity ruining (that seems to have died down).
    • Because of this; Siran Minor and Major were originally gonna look much different.
  • Well, I unfortunately don't have all that many unused concepts for this species. Maybe next time, a species will come around that has many more unused ideas.

Monday, June 15, 2015


Remember how last week I made such a deal about the Great Schism that divided eme12 and I? Well, he's expressed a willingness to put it aside and all that cool stuff. So...

Now, if only I could think of some STNL² ideas. A pity I have a good, thought-up one that I can't use just yet... >;)

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Great Schism, Round II (or III?)

Hundreds years ago, the Catholic Church was divided by two great schisms of ideology with repercussions felt to this very day and age.

Why do I discuss religious history on a blog dedicated to my SPORE stuff? Well, simple: Eme12 and I have had another great schism, this one over his planned Prosper game. I honestly actually didn't care about it, and that really PO'd him. Unfortunately, this means a good source of STNL² probably will never play this series again. But I'll learn to live with it, because I can live with it.

I'll remember this from now on...

Monday, June 1, 2015

Part 35B Released!

Yes, after nearly 3 weeks*, I've made another part of STNL²! In this one, we get to see the world through Aromaga's eyes as she plots an assassination to lure the Falsum Corpora into the fold of the T'Ron War!

Awesome screenshot or what?

Aromaga gets struck by a "random" lightning bolt.

The Falsum Corpora seem to have quite the army. This could be useful...
...if they didn't waste time training!

Aromaga flies across NSCA113-4 VI's nuked surface.
*If you're wondering what happened, it really boils down to being lazy and waiting for Bushy98 to make FC props for the adventure.