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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Part 31A Released!

While Khrelan cripples the Nemletnegs from within, Jercy-2 and the Titan crew get some familiar faces to join them on Jercy's vendetta...

Holly Jenkins in the Reflectiverse. 

A view of the Terran slums.


Tressha in the Reflectiverse, who is truly the Empress.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Part 30B Released!

While Jercy's Reflectiverse counterpart (let's just call him Jercy-2 for simplicity) negotiates an alliance with the Terrans and Siranians, normal Jercy and Khrelan kickstart the downfall of the Nemletneg Federation from within...


Jercy decides to let off a little steam before the big battle...

The dumplings! They're missing!

Khrelan, blissfully contemplating something in her genius mind...

And Now For Something Completely Different

Today is what many will consider a dark day, for Leonard Nimoy, (who played Mr. Spock on Star Trek) is no longer with us. I'm one of the uncountable people shaken by his death, and we must never forget Mr. Nimoy's remarkable contribution to the world. Live long and prosper...

"Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human."
-James T. Kirk, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Part 30A Released!

Another epic battle approaches as Jercy travels to Guya to investigate the aftermath of a battle... and finds himself. No, nothing metaphorical here!
A beautiful shot of Guya's beautiful landscape.

Who is this lady? And why does she look so strange?
And doesn't that Kleekoonanoni look familiar?

Zeela and Herbert. Don't they make a lovely couple?
(Oh, wait, Zeela's already married. Nevermind...)

That's right, it's the Attack of the Monty Python References!
Neat, right?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Part 29D Released!

Behold, my most rushed (and shortest) adventure ever! In this one, Jercy and a few of his crewmates head off to the ex-planet Pluto to rescue the Vordavs from the sinister T'Rons!

What could scare a T'Ron silly?

Zeela and Tressha, freed from their cage.

Pluto in all its dwarf planet glory.
FUN FACT: I had many different places in mind to set this, including:
The Moon, the unnamed planet Bushy98's Chosen is set on, and Eris.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Part 29C Released!

After the T'Ron ambush on Oraydee, Jercy wakes up on the planet Jorgis (last seen in eme12's Badass), and is about to receive startling news: Zeela and Tressha have been... CAPTURED!

The planet Jorgis from space. Weird...


A giant chicken with an AFRO?! NOWAI!

Khrelan and Belati, looking as though they've never seen
each other before...

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Part 29B Released!

Jercy and his crew (along with two new friends and some soldiers) have arrived at the new Sagiyande homeworld of Oraydee and are gonna try to get some vengeance! Unfortunately, not everything is as it seems...

General Mayweather is back, and he doesn't look all that happy...

A random happy Vruorn soldier. Notice the green thing to his left...

The newest crewmembers, Dovae Ermon the Green Xarvolgian (left)
and Aromaga Casidi the Roslian (right).


Monday, February 9, 2015

Part 29A Released!

Well, sorry about the long long wait, everyone! Fortunately, this gamechanging and epic part of STNL² should be worth the wait, as a new race of enemies, the Sagiyandes, attempt to lay waste to Siberion! 

Also, Horoka died, but you probably don't care about that as much as I do (or Jercy does). :-P

Behold the Sagiyandes (made by eme12!)
Who- or what -could possibly have done this?!

Is this Ashokweer screaming at the devastation or cheering because Horoka
finally died?

Bianca gets a chance to show off her missile-shooting skills!