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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Part 15A Released!

After almost a week's wait (remember when we had to wait 20 days for new parts?), we finally get to rediscover the Dweebles, and an enemy I thought I destroyed...
A cool shot of Vultins (just ignore the water.)
Lahfeye (KLAATU DISKOS FTW) as seen from Vultins' surface,
The Grox Battlecruiser.

A Tihny and a tiny city.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Part 14C Released!

The crew gets a lift to ß-2-Lore's version of Naramat, where the Ardoxes, Paxos, and others never evolved, and the planet is under control of The Grox. Can they be trusted?
(If you're wondering why Naramat's ground is different, it's because our timeline's Naramat has silicon-based grass that's purpley, whereas this Naramat doesn't because life never developed here.)
The girls (Ella and Lahlia) and I have a DANCE PARTY!!
A statue of a Grox. Weird.


Fungus3 has redeemed himself! He has accepted that he went a bit insane, and has removed the incriminating creations detailed in my last post. He even issued a formal apology on the blog.
And, as an added bonus, he even released a "fixed" adventure, guest-starring me! So, all's well that ends well. Let's make sure this NEVER happens again, for this is a day that shall live on in infamy...

Saturday, May 24, 2014


I really, really, REALLY didn't want to do this, but I am doing the last thing I thought I would: declare war on fungus3.
Why? Simple: He has refused to leave his new "uber-villains", the Migharaturuses, dead and buried, like we agreed. He had the audacity to resurrect them when they clearly died. You can read more about this here.
But that wasn't the end. Recently, he's begun plotting a "Neo-Omega Six", a continuation of that terrible terrorist cult of 2013 that "I" destroyed with the Dread Star. Bad enough, right? NOPE! He's had the audacity to include Holly Short from STNL²! Now, I'm fine with others using my characters, but only WITH PERMISSION. He didn't.
In conclusion, I see no other choice but to engage in a flame-war and (hopefully) get him to change his mind. Will it work? I have no idea. Perhaps this'll be over before it starts...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Part 14B Released!

Jercy's quest to rediscover the Dweebles leads him to Siran Minor, Zeela's homeworld, in the timeline ß-2-Lore, where the Entropy Pods won the war and ensalved the Siranians, only to have the tables turned in a Siranian rebellion. Oh, and Zeela's their Empress. Are the Dweebles here?
Zeela and Zeela meet.
A platoon of Siranian soldiers.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

"LAHLIA" Explained

In the expanse of the galaxy, there is a word that sends shivers down the spines/carapaces of those who hear it:

But what is it? I'm glad you asked...

Not So Long Ago, In a Galaxy Very Close...

Planet Earth. This is where it all began.

Anyways, about a month or so ago, I was perusing my school library's shelves for a book to read when I had nothing else to do during class. So, I searched for the right book to satisfy my cravings. 

I eventually settled on this book.
This is the basic plot of the book: In a rural Minnesota town named Hopewell, a boy named Tucker Feye watches his dad disappear into a strange wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey portal on his roof, only to exit about an hour later with a strange blond girl named, you guessed it: LAHLIA!! Then they go on all sorts of crazy adventures throughout space and time.

As a Dr. Who fan, I was enthralled by the book (in fact, the author, Pete Hautman, has admitted the plot was inspired by Doctor Who!). So, when the first book ended, I read the second book, The Cydonian Pyramid, which mainly focuses on Lahlia (SPOILER: Her real name is just Lia). But all good things must come to an end, and the Klaatu Diskos Trilogy is no exception. About a week ago, I finished the last book, The Klaatu Terminus. (No spoilers for you on any of these books; I encourage you to read them yourself. You can find them on Google Play).

Seeping In

Undoubtedly, my favorite character in this temporal mess was Lahlia. Thus, I decided to spread her name across the Revolution Universe like "Bad Wolf". At first, it was with the "FORM A GROUP" curse, but I decided to have it take on a much more significant role as the password to summon Max-Σ-821, a sentient Dweeble hologram, and as part of Gloria's computer virus in parts 14A and 13B, respectively.

So, that's that. I leave you with this wonderfully drawn fan-art that I sent off to the author, Pete Hautman*:

This needs to go in the Louvre, don't ya think?

*UPDATE: Mr. Hautman has seen the picture, and he called it "great". Needless to say, I got a swelled head. :-P

Friday, May 16, 2014

Part 14A Released!

When the USS Titan passes by the devastated planet Dweeb, the crew discovers the truth behind one of STNL's most enduring mysteries.
Although it was promised since the Tribal Stage, a visit to the Dweeble homeworld never occurred, and the Dweebles vanished off the face of the galaxy.
The Dweeble capital, reduced to smoldering ruins.
Guardian of Forever? Untempered Schism? *le gasp* KLAATU DISKO?!
You decide.
A cool shot of Dweeb's planetary ring eclipsing its sun, Zaacra.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Part 13B Released!

With his valiant sidekick Gloria, Jercy begins to put their escape plan into motion. Will it work? (Probably...)
Together at last?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Part 13A Released!

After being kidnapped by the evil Viongoes, Jercy finds himself on Jailix-ξ, out for at least two weeks. Fortunately, he makes a new friend as well. How will they escape the Viongo prison? It's up to you...
A great view of Jailix-ξ.
Jercy's friend. Looks familiar, doesn't she?
Another cool look at Jailix-ξ's landscape,

Monday, May 5, 2014

Part 12B Released!

Cannabeth and Zeela travel to a top-secret barren planet to meet with everyone's favorite megalomaniacal little elf from Artemis Fowl, Holly Short, on Jercy's whereabouts. Will things go pear-shaped? (Hint: Probably not.)
Holly Short and some guards.
Our two heroes, Cannabeth and Zeela.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Willie's Guide to the Galaxy: Good Antagonists

Welcome to the first part of "Willie's Guide to the Galaxy"! This series will show you how to be a good creator in SPORE and for the Revolution Universe. In this part, we'll focus on making good baddies for your series, and show you some mistakes to avoid.


This is undoubtedly the most important rule to follow for antagonists. Your antagonists need a REASON to be bad to the bone. Do they want money? Do they see themselves as superior? Or do they have some sort of religion?
If you don't have your antagonists destroying things for a specific reason, then you end up with flat, cardboard characters who aimlessly blow stuff up. Fungus3's Migharaturuses are a good example.

Tip #2: Don't Introduce them Immediately

Another good tip, but this is mostly my opinion. Please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, don't have your antagonists show up right away (or close to right away). It makes it really annoying because you end up not even INTERACTING with them for several parts!
If you do want to have some main antagonists, my recommendation is Tribal Stage or later, like I did with the Garadreads. This allows them to be present for much of your series, but not enough to be annoying. But for best results, don't even let them appeare until the SPACE STAGE!! Fungus3 did this back in Evolution Quest, and that's what made it great.

Tip #3: Don't Let them Run Away, fungus3!

If you decide to lauch an attack on them at any point before the Space Stage, the odds are that none are going to survive. So, please don't have them run away or build a spaceship just to have them appear later. Just leave them extinct, dead and buried, etc., but you could have any allies that live return to avenge their comrades. Fungus3 is (in)famous for this technique.

Tip #4: Don't Make them OP

"fael t3h wraf of d narbian Impre, wif der sheeps dot crate backholz that dtroy entiur galxees!" No, please. For best effect, please don't make your antagonists too strong if they evolved with your good guys (which I don't recommend). If they did, then their technology should be about the same as your good guys. The Garadreads and Paxos are two antagonists who got this wrong (the latter destroyed the ENTIRE ****ING UNIVERSE, but that's another story). Oh, and by the way, the misspelling was intentional.

Tip #5: Make the Finale Memorable

Lets assume your bad guys (and girls) survive up until the Space Stage. You've done all you can with them, and they're pretty much exhausted (like the Paxos). What do you do, then? Simple: KILL THEM ALL FOREVER!!
The best way to do this is to have your good guys and some of their allies lay siege to the anatagonist homeworld (it probably won't be the same as your good guys), and, if possible, kill some characters for dramatic impact.
If you kill them off before this, just have there be a little celebration until some new bad guys enter the fray.
In conclusion, if you follow these tips when creating bad guys, then you'll have antagonists that could be as great as the Daleks (although they ran away and survived more times than anyone else). If not, then I get to kill them off!!
Yes, I used a Spongebob GIF. It was the only good "evil laugh gif"
I could find...


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Part 12A Released!

Cannabeth, desperate for answers on Jercy's whereabouts, returns home to Epindol. While Zeela's just fine (but quite sad), we discover that Jercy has been...


But by who? And why? And how will our intrepid crew find him? Find out the answers to all these questions and more soon!

I would post some screenshots, but Chrome's preventing me from doing so. :-(

Maybe a Photobucket account or something?