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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Eme12 Forced This Upon Me, Part 2: The Garadreads

Part 2 of the eme12-induced madness begins as we examine the very first villains in the Spore Revolution universe: the Garadreads!


  • The Garadreads were originally made by eme12 WAY back in the Tribal Stage for STNL, and they remained the primary antagonists until the 11-part series finale, Journey's End.
  • The Garadreads were originally highly intelligent and very evil due to being made by the equally smart and evil Experimenters. After Journey's End, most of the bad Garadreads were banished to a dimension of eternal torment, leaving a few benevolent ones to reform the empire into a democratic society of peace and love and all that happy feel-good stuff.
    • Unfortunately, a few bad Garadreads got back to our dimension. :-(
  • According to eme12, the Garadreads expanded beyond the Milky Way into other galaxies when they were still evil, even destroying a few of them for no good reason. It is unknown if these outposts are still active following Journey's End.
  • As mentioned earlier, the Garadreads were originally created by the Experimenters as a new breed of supersoldiers, but these plans went awry when the Garadreads became too smart and cut all ties with their masters. This plot point was made to explain the Garadreads' advanced intelligence as well as to expand upon the series' backstory.
  • Shadow II, once a lowly crewmember on the Titan, became leader of the Garadreads and furthered their reformation. She still holds this position today.


  • Originally, Plytha (one of fungus3's bad idea btw) was going to reprogram the Garadreads with the Universal Source Code (also a bad idea) to make them all nice and eliminate the possibility of there being any evildoers in their society.
  • In 2013, the Experimenters would've replaced the Garadreads as the series' main antagonists. The decision not to do this was in no way influenced by another bad idea of fungus3's; I just felt the Garadreads were more notable and were the original baddies.
    • If this were to pass, then the Garadreads would've been wiped out entirely by the Experimenters, and the series finale would be a DS9-style assault on the Experimenter homeworld.

STNL's 4 Year Anniversary: Williezk

So, we end our fan examination for now with the ultimate fan of STNL, me! Unfortunately, since I'm an egocentric maniac, I don't want to critique myself, so that's why I'm letting other people (AKA you fine young readers) post your own reviews of me in the comments, using the Good, Bad, and Neutral format I used for previous fans in my reviews yesterday.


  • You're good at making your series humorous. -eme12



  • You're neutral with developing characters. Sometimes you do a good job and sometimes you don't. -eme12 again

(BTW, Isn't it amazing how I made a month's worth of blog post in the span of a day? Kudos for eme12 for that!)

Courtesy of:

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

STNL's 4 Year Anniversary: Dumblydum

Next up on our examination of STNL's fans is dumblydum, who has been voting on this series from very early on but has suddenly gone missing. Shall we mount a search effort?


  • Good creating style
  • Votes frequently
  • Has contributed to the series
  • We've chatted on Steam


  • VERY inactive


  • ...
OVERALL OPINION: A good creator who's been an inspiration to many of the other fans to this very day and age. A pity he isn't on SPORE much anymore though...

STNL's 4th Anniversary: Bushy98

Next up is Bushy98, whose Pure Spore actually inspired the first STNL part (which was pointed out by Tofu99 in the comments of said part). So, let's continue our examination of fans with him:


  • Good creating style
  • Cool adventures
  • Votes frequently
  • Contributes frequently to the series


  • Very inactive
  • Was a BIG FAT DUMB JERKWAD to eme12 (who I bet will appreciate the way I worded it; ask him if you want to know more)
  • We don't chat on Steam


  • Funny looking
  • His Social Security Number is 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777779 (not really lol)
OVERALL OPINION: If only Bushy was on more often and he didn't tick eme12 off so much. In fact, most of the "Bad" and "Neutral" stuff is what eme12 thinks, which I just put in at his recommendation. Hey, we're friends, ya know? I actually think Bushy is a good creator overall, but eme12 doesn't think he's a good person. So yeah.

STNL's 4th Anniversary: Lucasrebel

Next on our list of fans is Lucasrebel. He's actually the "newest" of all the people on this list, as he only really came to attention a few months ago and only joined the SPORE community last year. But boy am I glad I found out about him!


  • Contributes to the series
  • Votes frequently
  • Cool creating style
  • Good adventures


  • Not very active
  • We don't chat on Steam


  • ...
MY OVERALL OPINION: Well, my main regret about Lucasrebel is that he isn't all that active and only makes adventures every few months. But, other than that, he's a great creator. I mean, just look at Holly Jenkins' new robot arm (which was originally made by him, BTW) and you'll see what I mean.

STNL's 4th Anniversary: Fungus3

Next up on our list of fans is another long-time fan, having voted since the first part of the series. I speak, of course, of the humble fungus3. He's also made aliens for STNL since the Creature Stage, but unfortunately since then there's been a lot to dislike about him...


  • Constant voter
  • Fairly active
  • Contributes ideas/concepts to the series
  • Helped me restart STNL back in 2013


  • Sporn everywhere
    • The entire Nemletneg species
  • Trite villains
  • Bad characterization, especially for female characters
  • Too many Universe/Galaxy-threatening arcs
  • Ruins continuity like nobody else
    • Led to This is War's cancellation
    • Led to Prosperous' cancellation
    • Ruined several other plots and backstories
  • Zero character development
  • We don't chat on Steam much


  • Okay non-Sporn arcs
MY OVERALL OPINION: When he sticks to continuity and has no Sporn, he can actually be a pretty good creator. Sadly, these occurrences are quite rare...

STNL's 4th Anniversary: Eme12

To start off the anniversary celebrations, let's talk about who may be the biggest fan of the series, eme12.

He has been voting on it since the series came out 4 years ago. He has also contributed several races to the series since the Tribal Stage, including the Garadreads, Jonterops and Burkentons, and so many more. He also has provided me with several ideas and concepts for the series, and has sorta been an editor on the series, seeing as how he provides constant feedback and tells me what I'm doing wrong (adding in Holly Short is probably the best example).

So, to sum up eme12:


  • Provides several cool new races and concepts
  • Constantly votes
  • Provides ideas and feedback (which I almost always follow/use)
  • Almost always online (barring a few breaks)
  • We chat on Steam a lot
  • Helps me make The Surge
  • We both love SPORE
  • Making up funny words


  • Spams me with Steam invites
  • Constant SPORE-related bribes
    • Making me stay up unreasonably just so he has someone to talk to at night (c'mon man, ever heard of sleeping? It's really good!)
  • Occasional arguments and disagreements


  • The reason STNL² has been delayed for so long (top secret)

MY OVERALL OPINION: A good creator and friend. We occasionally get into spats, but hey, friends do that sometimes and we almost always manage to resolve our differences and come to an agreement.

Also, eme12 has a few blogs of his own, so check those out!
Eme12's Gaming Blog
Eme12's Music Blog

Spore The Next Level: 4 Years and Counting


Yep, it's officially been four years since I made the first part of STNL. Now I feel even older...

As you probably know by now, I like to look back at what's happened since the series' inception* on July 1st, 2011, and it's no different this time. However, this time around, I've decided to highlight the loyal fans who have kept this series going with their voting and ideas over the years since I've known them. They've kept this boat sailing, and they deserve credit for it.

(NOTE: If you're a fan reading this and I say something bad about you, try not to feel offended, okay? Flaming me will get you and me nowhere.)

*Has nothing to do with the movie.