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Monday, July 25, 2016

Quinquennial, Part 6 Released!

Yes, I know that this took a while to make, but it's only because someone decided to release the fabled 1.0 version of Starbound on the same day that some of my cousins spent a few days at my house (both of which are quite enjoyable, BTW).

But my real-life strife isn't why you're here! No, you're here to play the latest part of Quinquennail! This part skips us ahead to the beginnings of the Solar Stage, where the Kleekoonanonis have almost finished the USS Titan and selected Jercy to captain it. But will he accept their offer? (Obviously, yes, thanks to dramatic irony).

The logo for the series, here over the nearly-completed USS Titan.
(Fun fact: The Titan was originally going to be under construction and
have exposed bits and wires, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work).

The Shadow and Zawnty of this time period have a heated
debate about something... or someone...

TheJercy of this time period stares in bemusement at his
future counterpart (although, strictly speaking, this shouldn't
be possible as this is a nonphysical recreation of the past
and therefore nobody is aware of the time travelers).

Jercy sits on the edge of the Kleekoonanoni Needle, wondering if
falling from it will kill him (nope, thanks to Spore).
Commentary: Here, we zip right through the Civilization Stage into the Solar Stage. I was planning something involving the Thistils initially for the next Quinquennial part, but I decided to skip it and instead show how Jercy got started on the Titan.

Sadly, this is the era in which my insipid Artemis Fowl Crossover Madness™ is in full swing, but luckily my old friend Retconning is here to save us! You may notice numerous characters speculating about someone called Holly Short and her existence (not to be confused with the badass, totally awesome, and definitely existent Holly Jenkins); this is because whenever I look back at my old Artemis Fowl-related adventures, it's actually shameful and physically revolts me. Keep an eye out for more retcons that do away with the Artemis Fowl Atrocities™!

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