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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Decennial, Part IV Released!

 Another big mystery that's surrounded STNL and its sequel is the Burkentons. The first major species created by eme12 (alongside their Jonterop slaves) for the series in the Tribe Stage, they were originally intended to be recurring antagonists into the Space Stage and beyond. However, they were replaced in that role by the Garadreads, even though the Burkentons at least had a motivation to be evil slavers.

(Admittedly, by my judgments today, the Garadreads were very trite villains due to being overpowered and having no clear motivation, but I did flesh them out by explaining this was because they were made to be evil super-soldiers for the Experimenters. Besides, it was the first 

Anyways, the next few parts will illustrate what happened to the Burkentons after the Garadreads stabbed them in the back and became STNL's main antagonists. We begin on the frozen iceball of Gantroff (or Burikk, as the Burkentons renamed it), right after Jercy agreed to help them infiltrate Vesin and f

ind technology to help them terraform their frosty home.

The logo, here hovering above the Burkenton's techy city.

A Ukrelosaur roars as a Burkenton ship flies around.
How do they even survive in this frozen hellscape, anyways?

The Burkentons are on patrol!

The Burkentons get ready to use this terraformer to heat up their
frozen planet... but will it work out? (Hint: probably not).

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Decennial, Part III Released!


Welcome to another part of Decennial! The originator of the Artemis Fowl crossovers has only just been established; now we need to see how Holly Short actually got to Epindol and ruined the original STNL! It all begins aboard the Couscous, a Rando'Moss'Iti research cruiser assigned to supervise the test and witness it all go horribly pear-shaped...

The Decennial logo, here next to a black hole near Earth.

Holly Short is back... and she's MENACING!!

Dr. Smitty Jiggerman, on the bridge flanked by two Spugs. 

What's an Entropy Pod doing here? And is he scared of the upcoming
Artemis Fowl references or something else?

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Decennial, Part II Released!

 I never had intention of putting out one part per day (I only have so much time to play Spore), but at the same time I probably won't take this long.

I guess that's what vacations do, I guess.

Anyways, you probably don't care about that! What you do probably care about is seeing how STNL, and by extension STNL², got corrupted by Artemis Fowl references! Our tragic tale begins here on Earth, many decades from now, where a certain group of random aliens are intending to test out a new invention...

The logo/thumbnail, here hovering above a city on Earth.

A majestic lion near the same city. This has nothing to do with
actual gameplay, I just thought it looked cool.

The Rando'Moss'Iti are here, which means things
are about to get craaazy!

Unfortunately, I had a really nice screenshot of Earth that I can't seem to find anywhere in my files. Ah well, you can admire it in the Sporepedia, I suppose. It's a shame that Earth always glitches out and drains its oceans whenever I load it.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Decennial, Part I Released!

For National FORM A GROUP Day, I've kicked off the tenth-anniversary special! Just like last time, we take a trip to the Afterlife to meet up with some old friends and begin a journey back in time to... well, you'll see.

Also, I didn't just use the same basic plot as Quinquennial out of desperation; I figured that since Jercy died when the Revolutionverse was rebooted, it made sense for him to be in the Afterlife, which of course is in an unaffected dimension.

Also also, I'm using Roman numerals this time because it makes me look fancy-like.

The special's logo, here hovering above a vastly changed Afterlife.
Don't worry, I put the ceiling in later.

Liafeya, Shadow and Zawnty's daughter, dances at the sight of

Yes, Zeela is in the Afterlife too. Don't worry, she isn't
coming along.

Jercy ponders a strange glowing orb.
I originally didn't add a stylefilter to the adventure,
but then I remembered how the Afterlife is supposed to look and did it
after taking preliminary screenshots. I didn't retake this one because it came
out poorly.

Spore the Next Level: 10 Years and Counting

 I am now officially a senior citizen.

That's right, my beloved interactive series is officially ten years old! When I first started making the series, I had just finished sixth grade and Spore itself had been out for barely three years (and was already dying...). Now, I'm a fully-grown adult looking for a job, but still maintaining my creativity and love of the game even after all this time. To celebrate this momentous occasion, I'm going to be doing another big anniversary special which looks back at the old Revolutionverse and makes use of a few ideas I had floating around for new content before we decided to reboot everything. There's going to be some answers to big questions that have been unsolved for years (not counting the time between the reboot and now).

Also, since this is a short little announcement post, I should probably explain my latest hiatus and the personal reasons I haven't been making new episodes, simply because there's only a few major factors (as opposed to my leaving from 2018-2021, which was for multiple reasons that I could dedicate several posts to).

#1: Lack of Engagement

Ever since the reboot, I decided to put in a new rule: I will only make new parts if I get at least three voters. This makes it more interesting when tallying up votes and allows for interesting combinations that I wouldn't have thought of, and also tells me that people are engaged in the series and want it to continue.

For the past few months, however, I haven't been able to meet this goal. Most of the regular voters have left as quickly as they came back (which is why I ended my first hiatus in the first place). Because of that, I'm not able to get as many votes as I want and I have less content from other people to keep me interested in Spore in the first place. As of now, there's only fungus3 and Pokemonkab churning out anime-eyed shovelware adventures with no concern for quality or player engagement, and I'd prefer not to emulate that.

#2: Depression and Loss

I've been struggling with anxiety and depression for a few years now, beginning in 2018 when I was officially diagnosed and put on medication. When it's at its worst, it makes me lethargic and unable to feel joy from things that I previously considered a blast. At the start of the year, I'd pretty much pulled ahead and felt a great sense of happiness again: I had a brand new house, found a job helping to fight against COVID-19, taken a break from rigorous college education, and in general was enjoying life.
Then it went downhill very fast.
The first troubles came when my contract position expired. I worked on a university campus, and around graduation time the university canceled their contract with my company. Long story short, we'd all stop working soon after the beginning of May. Although somewhat problematic, I didn't think it would be too bad at first: I could find plenty of other jobs, and I'd earned and saved enough money to hold me over until I did. Don't get me wrong, it was still quite demoralizing, but not heartbreaking.
What was heartbreaking, however, was the loss of my beloved cat Snickers.

On May 2nd, at the start of my last week of work, my mom and I had to give her flea repellant because she'd started bringing in ticks from her regular trips outside. So, that evening, we pinned her down and put it along her back, then allowed her to go out again, figuring she'd come back as usual.

As you can probably guess, she never did.

We held out hope that she'd soon return, but eventually we waited weeks without a word. It's been almost two months since that day, and I still have no idea where she is or even if she's alive at all. My grief at losing her was amplified since I didn't have a job or education to distract me, and I fell back into my depression. All the joy was sucked out of my life, and it made getting the energy to make new episodes of STNL:R and Revitalization almost impossible. I'm slowly coming to terms with her being gone, and we're starting to think about getting a new cat (or cats) to replace the void she left behind. It's only now that I feel good enough to resume production (that and doing nothing for the tenth anniversary would be a war crime).