As you'll probably all know, STNL and its sequel have been a big part of my life for the past 5½ years. Unfortunately, today I have good news and bad news:
The bad news is that I got together with eme12 and fungus3 on Steam a few days ago (on Christmas day, to be precise), and we agreed the Revolution Universe has run its course. I no longer feel like it's as enjoyable to play and make as it was when we started 3 years or so ago. I'm also starting to run out of ideas for my series, and I feel like it's become stagnant as a result. So, we all agreed to wrap it all up with fungus3's Anti-Spode arc in WoEC and move on to something better.
The good news is that something is a reboot of the Revolution Universe! My first contribution to this imagining will be a newer STNL, with more fleshed-out characters, races, and worlds. You'll see plenty of old faces and races (Jercy, the Kleekoonanonis, Jonterops, Garadreads, Terrans, etc.) that have improved personalities and backstories as well as new and radical concepts.
We've decided to not repeat the mistakes of the last universe as well as emphasize the things that made it great. We'll also pay more attention to worlds and characters and make them all incredibly unique. For example, planets will be larger and more detailed, and their inhabitants will have unique cultures and personalities (you should see what eme12 cooked up for the Garadreads, Roizelles, and Burkentons, but all will be revealed in due time). Also, for the first time ever, fungus3 will be severely limited in his ability to totally f*** things up for the rest of us.
As for this blog, I will continue to post new information and updates on the new STNL, which I'm thinking of calling STNL-Rebirth.
So while I'm kind of sad to see STNL² and the rest of the Revolution Universe go away, I'm excited to bring the new concepts we have to life, and I hope you all enjoy them too.