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Monday, September 29, 2014

Part 21B Released

More dangling plot threads than you can shake a Kleekoonanoni's tail at get resolved in this adventure, and williezk makes his very first Monty Python reference...
An Avort smiles at the camera.

Who's this little guy?

Zeela's so excited to be a mom...

A beautiful view of Kurillia.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Part 21A Released!

With the controversy over williezk's blatant (mis)use of the ReeSat-BahTin blaring, Jercy and his crew return to Epindol with Deuum De Amoeba gone one way or another...


Zeela and Tressha flying.

Isharos? What's he doing here?

What's everyone looking at? The world may never know...

Hatred's newest form. I hope everyone likes it...

Oh, and this is fungus3's reaction
after he plays most of my adventures involving
his stuff.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Part 20B Released!

The "NEVER DOUBT THE AMOEBA" madness is finally over! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

"Stupid FTL References!"
-Holly Jenkins

Belati's ready to kick some serious butt!



Monday, September 22, 2014

Part 20A Released!

All I can say about this part is that it's a game changer. Pretty much every series will be affected by the plot threat this part sets in motion. You wanna hear about it? Fine, here it is:

Jercy figures out HOW TO BEAT DEUUM DE AMOEBA!

Just what is Xhoth doing?

A beautiful shot of the planet-of-the-day, Nicerea.

Yes, Izara gets that major role in the plot she wanted!

Fungus3 doesn't look too happy...


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Part 19B Released!I

In this next action-packed STNL² part, Jercy and co. do what so many have dreamed of doing:


But will something-or someone-intervene?
CreatorTip: Pictures of the sun over something are always awesome.

It seems Seduca has a new boyfriend! But she has one every week...

Don't ya just hate photobombers?

Yep, the Terrans decided to spoof FTL...

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Part 19A Released!

After a severe case of the dread Creator's Block, STNL² returns!

With the end of all life in the galaxy as we know it nearing, Jercy and his crew decide to see what good a bunch of psychotic mind-controlling aliens can do. It's like a Clark and Stanley adventure: YOU KNOW THIS CANNOT POSSIBLY END WELL.
This is what I intended the primary screenshot to look like...


A beautiful view of the planet Phyressa.

Ya know those pictures on fungus3's adventures where he zooms
in real close to a lady's 8008s? This is like that, but not quite...

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Part 18B Released

Well, here we are: the final battle with Hatred. But several plotlines from This is War are still dangling; will they be encountered later?
She's back...

Zeela and Tressha make an entrance.

A shot of the Hatred-captured Tau Ceti Prime.

Neat, huh?

Monday, September 1, 2014

Part 18A Released!

Wow, 3 posts in one day! That's a new record for me!

*ahem* Anyways, the Titan crew encounters several dangling plot threads from eme12's late-lamented This is War! Can the crew create a plausible outcome for them?

Tressha (The Empress) and Zeela.

A picture of the Terran city, showing off their shiny new building set.

Tressha again, next to the remains of her ship.

A nice view of Tau Ceti III, this adventure's setting.

SporeWiki + Spore Revolution = EPIC FAILURE

Once again, fungus3 has done something awful (I know it isn't him, but I just want one person to blame it on). This time, he's actually suggested merging the Spore Revolution universe (where most of my series take place, along with eme12's and fungus3's) with the SporeWiki fanfic universe.

I'm opposed to this for several reasons, but here are my main gripes.

  1. Continuity: Let's face it, we can barely make good crossovers with other SR series. Just look at the last few parts of STNL² and The Spore Project for proof; and a crossover with the SW universe would be ten time worse. Plus, I don't know a whole lot about the SW universe (I did, once, but my brain fortunately got rid of those memories).
  2. Interactive vs. Non-Interactive: SR is totally different from SW in that it's interactive, allowing users to vote on the adventures and see what happens next. By contrast, SW (in my mind) is just where different users use races to their will. It's not the best analogy, but it's the only one I could think of.
  3. My Precious: I always thought of the SR-verse as "ours", and what makes it great is that not a lot of people are involved with it; allowing easy communication. On the other hand, SW is made up with lost more different users who probably don't share the same views on what they can and can't do.
These are just my two cents (or three) cents on the issue. Fortunately, it may not happen; and I can find a way to deal with it if it does. Maybe I could split the SR-SW crossover into a different universe and leave the old one intact.

The End (of Summer) is Nigh

Well, here we are again. Summer's just about over, and tomorrow I'm headed off for nine months of torture in that despotic place known as "school". Fortunately, I'll still be able to make STNL² parts, albeit at a reduced pace because I won't be in front of my computer as often; especially since part of one of my classes is online.

I have just one question: WHY MUST THIS BE?!