Hello. Just thought I'd tell y'all I'm not dead (in fact, far from it!), and explain why it's been so long since the last STNL² part. I'm still making the series, but here's why production has slowed:
- Creator's Block: First of all, I'm rapidly running out of ideas for the series. I have only the next few parts definitely planned (but I won't give any spoilers; sorry.)
- Real Life: Unlike some people I know, I have a life other than SPORE. It's just that sometimes, being IRL leaves little time for SPOREing (neologisms FTW!)
- Boredom: This kinda goes along with #2. Basically, when I'm not playing SPORE, I have less of a desire to get on it until I play it once; then the cycle repeats.
So, those are my main reasons why it's been taking so long. I'm actually working on the next part while I'm writing this, so hopefully I can make it in a week or so. As a parting gift, here's a little something to make you laugh:
(Source: http://www.mojocomic.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/2012-10-25-faster-than-light1.png) |